Have you ever come away from an event excited by the possibilities of the direction of things to come? Education has so many possibilities. There is often an underlying thread that connects these possibilities together. We are fortunate to be able to influence, direct and guide students towards a goal. We need to have the capacity to look beyond the task of just educating students. Recently I was fortunate to have attended two events, while different from one another, there was a commonality as well. It was inspiring and exciting to make the connection. The first was a STEM Symposium organised by the AIS. This event was to showcase STEM education within Independent Schools in NSW. There were many schools in attendance showing projects that they have been working on. These projects aim to develop STEM education in their schools. I was fortunate enough to listen Professor Candace Lang from Macquarie University. S...
Reflecting on how to improve student engagement in my classroom. My focus will be on using game-based education, using different strategies, trying out ideas and generally having fun along the way.