Homework is an area that has often been a part of education that is often the hardest to get right. Many parents expect homework and insist that their child does it. There are other parents who believe in Homework but have no time to give to it, because of work commitments or other priorities. There is also a small minority of parents who feel that Homework should not be given at all. Even amongst educators, it can be a divisive topic. Our school has a homework policy, that while we give homework, it is not compulsory for it to be completed. It serves to support the learning happening in the classroom, but no pressure is applied to have it completed. My belief is that homework serves the purpose of developing healthy study habits and supporting those families who want homework for the child. For some parents though, it can be a source of tension when a child struggles with a task. How to make it a positive experience? I came across this idea a few years...
Reflecting on how to improve student engagement in my classroom. My focus will be on using game-based education, using different strategies, trying out ideas and generally having fun along the way.